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400 MHz / 260 GHz in-situ Liquid DNP Spectrometer

The 9.4 Tesla DNP spectrometer has been built in 2006 employing a 45 mW 260 GHz CW solid-state source. In 2009 it was upgraded to a 20 W gyrotron. The spectrometer can be used to study low and high viscosity samples by NMR, EPR, and DNP methods.
Liquid samples of few nanoliters in 0.05 mm capillaries can be studied in the helix probehead. Alternatively there are also two Fabry-Perot probeheads for increased sample volumes of 100 nanoliters.

Performance of the new microfluidic probeheads for in-situ DNP in liquids is approaching high spectral resolution, promising to improve the sensitivity of liquid state NMR at 400 MHz in the future.

1. Denysenkov et. al, Appl. Mag. Reson., 34, 289-299 (2008)
2. Griesinger et. al, Prog. NMR Spect., 65, 4-28 (2012)
3. Denysenkov and Prisner, J. Magn. Reson., 217, 1-5 (2012)

Helix Probe Fabry-Perot Probe